Ultimate Beekeeping Starter Kit - Everything you need to start beekeeping

Ultimate Beekeeping Starter Kit - Everything you need to start beekeeping

Humble Bee

Regular price $2,500.00 Sale

Absolutely everything you need to start beekeeping!  All the tools, hive components, bees, and education to get you started. If you are venturing into beekeeping, the is the best way to go. 


2- In-person Lessons with our Master Beekeeper. (First year Beekeeping, Preparing bees for winter)

2- Deluxe Hive kits - everything you need to keep Bees

2- Nucleus Colonies ("Nucs") including a Queen

1- Ventilated Bee Suit in your preferred size

1- Veil

1- Hive tool

1- Smoker

1- bee brush

1 - Frame Holder

1 - 9 frame spacer tool